Special Needs Financial Planning
We are proud to serve special needs individuals and families, helping them navigate the complex financial decisions on the road to providing a secure future. Andrew Schultz, partner and founder of Clarity Financial Planning Group is also a Chartered Special Needs Consultant (ChSNC). He demonstrates his commitment and expertise in assisting families and caregivers providing for those with special needs.
Building a Plan
For families of people with special needs, a well-designed and executed financial plan can have a profound impact on quality of life and can help turn your dreams for the future into a reality. A plan can also protect against common pitfalls that can jeopardize the lifetime support of your loved ones.
Coordinating a Team
There are many aspects to special needs planning, and it’s vital to work with a well-rounded team of professionals. We can assist you with building a team of experts such as an attorney, a financial professional, and a social services professional, and with coordinating their efforts on your behalf.
Planning for the Future
At the center of our planning process is establishing a written, goals-based plan that is built around your values. We will work with you to develop a plan that considers the future cost of care, identifies the benefits you’re entitled to, helps to ensure a special-needs trust is established, and outlines the next steps that should be taken on your financial planning journey.